Hobbit Film Cells. Collectible original film strips from The Hobbit movie. Awesome gift for a true fantasy and Tolkien fans.
The Avengers Film Cells-The Avengers collectibles. Framed original film strips from Avengers movie.
The Dark Knight Rises collectible film cells. The Dark Knight Rises framed film strips. Highly collectible items. Movie collectibles.
Harry Potter Film Cells. Harry Potter collectibles for fans. Montages of pictures and film strips from Harry Potter movies.
Star Trek Film Cells. Star Trek collectibles. James T. Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Mr. Spock, William T. Riker collectable film cells. Each authentic film cell presentation has a nameplate containing the title and each item comes with a certificate guaranteeing the cells authenticity.
Star Wars collectable film cells. Unique Star Wars collectibles. Each original filmcell scene is hand selected from the actual 35mm movie film and mounted with a photo in a custom black frame. Each authentic film cell presentation has a nameplate containing the title and each item comes with a certificate guaranteeing the cells authenticity.
Lord of the Rings Film Cells. LOTR collectibles. Each original filmcell scene is hand selected from the actual 35mm movie film and mounted with a photo in a custom black frame. Each authentic film cell presentation has a nameplate containing the title and each item comes with a certificate guaranteeing the cells authenticity.
Pirates of the Caribbean collectable film cells. Pirate collectibles.
Batman Film Cells-Batman collectibles. Collectable Batman pictures and film strips in a frame. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight film cell montages for fans and collectors.
Wizard of Oz Film Cells. Wizard of Oz collectibles and memorabilia. Framed film strips and pictures from Wizard of Oz.
John Wayne collectable film cells. John Wayne collectibles.Each original film cell scene is hand selected from the actual 35mm movie film and mounted with a photo in a custom black frame. Each authentic film cell presentation has a nameplate containing the title and each item comes with a certificate guaranteeing the cells authenticity.
The Wizard of Oz Vertical Mini Montage Film Cell, The Wizard of Oz collectibles, film strips and pictures.
The Wizard of Oz Mega Montage Film Cell, The Wizard of Oz collectibles, film strips and pictures.
The Wizard of Oz Mini Montage Film Cell, The Wizard of Oz collectibles, film strips and pictures.
The Wizard of Oz Montage Film Cell, The Wizard of Oz collectibles, film strips and pictures.
The Dark Knight Horizontal Trio Montage Film Cell, The Dark Knight collectibles, film strips and pictures.
Batman Begins Mini Montage, Batman collectibles, film strips and pictures.
Alice In Wonderland Film Cell Montage USFC5358. Alice In Wonderland Film collectibles-pictures and film stips in a frame.
Green Lantern Film Cell Montage USFC5559. Green Lantern collectibles. Framed film strips and pictures from Green Lantern.
Green Lantern Film Cells Vertical Trio. Framed set of Green Lantern film strips and pictures. Green Lantern collectibles.
Green Lantern Art Print SP0710CUR052. Green Lantern collectibles. Fantasy art prints.
Green Lantern (Purple Sky) StarFire Print SP1012CUR051. Green Lantern collectibles and memorabilia.
A Nightmare On Elm Street-Freddy Film Cells. Horror collectibles and memorabilia. Fred Kruger pictures and film strips.
Shrek 2 Double Film Cell Montage. Shrek collectibles. Shrek pictures and film strips in a frame.
Godfather Film Cells Mixed Montage. Unique Godfather collectibles-Godfather pictures and film strips for fans and collectors.
The Godfather Trilogy Collectable Film Cells. The Godfather collectibles. Godfather film strips and pictures in a frame for fans and collectors.
Godfather 1 Film Cell Trio montage. The Godfather collectibles.
The Godfather Film Cell Mini Montage. The Godfather collectibles.
Dracula 1931 Film Cells. Dracula Bela Lugosi (1931) USFC2424 film cell montage for fans of horror.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows™ Part 2 Coaster Collection SPCSTR099. Harry Potter collectibles. Fantasy art print for Harry Potter fans.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Film Cells Trio montage for fans. Harry Potter collectibles. Harry Potter pictures and film strips.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Film Cells Mini Montage. Harry Potter collectibles.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Running In The Woods) Art Print. Harry Potter collectibles-fantasy art work for fans and collectors.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Coaster Collection. Harry Potter art works. Fantasy art for Harry Potter fans.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Deluxe Film Cells. Unique Harry Potter collectibles. Harry Potter pictures and film strips in a frame.