Bastard swords-hand and a half swords for sale. Functional and decorative medieval bastard swords and longswords. Bastard sword was popular in central Europe (Germany, Czech, Austria, Switzerland) in the second half of the 15th century. The sword was later adopted by rest of the Europe. Bastard was much more dangerous and effective than a common...
Bastard swords-hand and a half swords for sale. Functional and decorative medieval bastard swords and longswords. Bastard sword was popular in central Europe (Germany, Czech, Austria, Switzerland) in the second half of the 15th century. The sword was later adopted by rest of the Europe. Bastard was much more dangerous and effective than a common one hander and faster and easier to use than two handed swords.
47" Medieval Longsword. Functional, handmade, battle ready hand and half sword made of high carbon steel. Scabbard included.
Sword of Bruncvik-legendary Czech (Bohemian) dragonslayer sword. Functional reproduction of medieval hand and a half sword. The sword is made in Czech.
Shrewsbury medieval sword. Hand and half sword of medieval English knights. Shrewsbury is an old English town with a Benedictine monastery. Brother Cadfael, a famous TV series with Derek Jacobi was connected to this town and abbey.
German Longsword by Cold Steel. Functinal, late medieval sword with a luxury scabbard. 1060 high carbon steel blade, 46" overal length.
MAA Hand-And-A-Half Sword 88HNHM by Cold Steel. Functional, battle ready sword from Man at Arms collection. Black high carbon steel blade, scabbard. Matching to Hand and a half dagger.
MAA Italian Long Sword 88ITSM from Man at Arms collection made by Cold Steel. Black blade, fully functional sword, mathing the Italian dagger. Carbon steel, scabbard.
Hand and a Half Sword 88HNH medieval bastard sword by Cold Steel. Fully functional medieval battle ready sword. Sword Length: 42 5/8". Scabbard.
Bastard Sword SH2250. Battle ready medieval sword by Hanwei with scabbard. Authentic, antiqued sword for medieval fans. Medieval one and a half sword.
Rhinelander Bastard Sword Hanwei SH2454. Functional, battle ready sword. Rhinelander, typical of late 15th century central European cut-and-thrust swords, is a handsome piece that will be appreciated by both collectors and cutting enthusiasts. Medieval German sword.
Hanwei Tinker Longsword SH2395 blunt. Medieval battle ready sword. 47", 5160 Marquenched Spring Steel. Blunt sword for reenactment.
Tinker Longsword Sharp Hanwei SH2394. Battle ready medieval sword. 47", 5160 Marquenched Spring Steel.
Hanwei Tinker Bastard Sword Blunt SH2401. Functional, battle ready medieval sword. Sword based on Oakeshott Type XVIIIA. Overall: 42 3/4", 5160 Marquenched Spring Steel.
Tinker Bastard Sword Sharp with Fuller Hanwei SH2411. Functional medieval battle ready bastard sword. 42.75", 5160 Marquenched Spring Steel, dismountable sword.
Hanwei Tinker Bastard Sword SH2400. Medieval battle ready bastard sword 42.75". Sharp one and a half sword.
Hanwei Practical Hand And a Half Sword SH2106. Medieval bastard sword with scabbard. Authentic medieval sword for reenactment and stage combat.
Hanwei Albrecht Hand and Half Sword SH2034. Replica of medieval sword belonged to Albrecht II of Austria.