Cold Steel Katana Swords. Samurai swords by CS. Monosteel katanas made of 1060 steel and the new folded steel katanas. Japanese swords.
SkyJiro Forge Katana Swords. SkyJiro forges swords of tradition and beauty, the refined blades made by SkyJiro Forge offer an excellent choice of options, including swords made using Traditional Tamahagane (Steel smelted from Iron Sand), Oroshigane (Steel smelted from Iron Pieces), Forge-Folded blades, Forged Edge-Tempered, Forged Through-Tempered also using SkyJiro Forge Special Proprietary Blade Hardening. Excellent swords for beginners, the martial artists and collectors. All Skyjiro katanas are sharp shinkens suitable for cutting.
Thaitsuki Swords-top quality samurai swords made by Thaitsuki Nihonto forge. Luxury katana and wakizashi swords. Hand made Japanese swords for sale.
Citadel Katana Swords are made by hand in Cambodia. Each citadel katana is made of 1075 high carbon steel and polished in 5 steps. The result is an unique, beautiful and top quality samurai katana sword.
Dragon King Samurai Sword. Swords made by Frenchie Jin, distributed by Hanwei. Katanas are made in Dalian (City of Swords), China. Dragon King produces entry level 5160 carbon steel and high end folded katana swords.
YariNoHanzo katana swords: wide range of quality katanas made of 1045, 1060, 1095, 9260 spring steel. YNH top katanas feature a blades made of all these steels. The katana swords are tribute to famous Japanese samurai lords or to samurai clans like Hosokawa, Minamoto, Taira. YariNoHanzo swords are made in Europe. Any sword can be delivered as a sharp shinken for cutting or a iaito sword for iaido practice.
Imperial Forge Katana swords for sale. Japanese swords made by Imperial Forge. Functional, sharp and battle ready samurai katanas. Kesshi katana, Competition cutting katana, Toumoku katana and wakizashi.
Musashi Katana swords. Affordable Japanese samurai swords made by Musashi. Reasonable quality at a low price.
Cheap Samurai Swords from Musashi, Masahiro and Bushido. Very affordable Japanese samurai and ninja swords. Budget swords for sale. Samurai sword deals.
Katana swords. Nihonto-Japanese samurai swords. Katana swords from Cold Steel, Hanwei (Paul Chen). SkyJiro Forge, Thaitsuki Nihonto, YNH, Citadel, Dragon King, Marto. Razor sharp shinken swords. Affordable katana swords from United Cutlery, Master Cutlery, Ryumon, Masahiro and Ten Ryu. Movie and fantasy katana swords from Marto.
Gunto sword-Imperial Japanese military Gunto swords for sale. Japanese Shin Gunto swords and Kyu Gunto sabers. Japanese swords of ww1 and ww2 period.
Shirasaya-katana blade without tsuba. Japanese samurai katana swords stored in a plain wood saya. Shirasay katana from manufacturers: Hanwei, Musashi, YNH, Ryumon.
Tachi - Samurai sword. Tachi is a Japanese sword, more curved and slightly longer than the katana. Tachi was used by a mounted samurais. Tachi was worn hung from the belt with the cutting-edge down.
Wakizashi - quality handcrafted samurai swords from Toledo, Spain. Wakizashi swords.
Tanto - Japanese dagger. Tanto means "short blade" and it was used as dagger. Tanto evolved in Heian period (from 8th century). Tanto became an inspiration for a modern tactical knives in west from 80s.
Sword Sets - samurai sword sets. Katana, wakizashi (daisho) and tanto. High quality Japanese swords in sets created by Hanwei - Paul Chen, Marto, Musashi, Ryumon, Thaitsuki, YariNoHanzo and other samurai sword manufacturers.
Samurai weapons - naginata, yari, sai, kama and other weapons from medieval Japan.
Custom katana swords-hand made katana sword with optional attributes. Get your own unique katana. Custom swords from Thaitsuki forge. Hand made samurai swords.
Kaneie Samurai Swords: awesome samurai katana swords: Tamahagane collection, Menkyo collection, Okuden collection and Batto collection. Kaneie forges their own samurai sword blades adhering closely to the traditional Japanese shapes but use modern steels to produce a superior overall production sword. Kaneie forge is based in Shanghai.
Samurai Armor for sale. Parts of Japanese armor. Helmets: samurai kabuto and mempo. Complete suits of Japanese samurai armor. Japanese armor made by Paul Chen, Hanwei and by Deepeeka.
Takeda Shingen Katana of the Hanwei Generals series. Samuri sword of the famous Japanese lord and general of the 16th century.
Oda Nobunaga Katana by Hanwei SH24970. T10 steel katana of the Generals series. This is a perfect samurai sword of the legendary Japanese daimyo.
Hanwei Zatoichi Sword with a damascus blade. Forged and folded high carbon steel blade, rosewood hadnle and natural saya.
Steven Seagal Signature Katana by Cold Steel. Japanese samurai sword inspired by an original in collection of Steven Seagal, the martial artist. Damascus, folded steel, clay tempered.
Tenka Fubu Katana by Dragon King. T10 Steel blade, red saya. Tribute to Oda Nobunaga-The Nation under one sword. Traditional samurai sword. Katana length: 41 3/4".
Kamei Katana by YNH. Tribute to Kamei Korenori daimyo. Highly sofisticated Soshu kitae method, 1045+1060+1095 folded carbon steel blade. Real hamon. Shinken katana sword for cutting.
Oni Demon Katana by YNH. Japanese mythology samurai sword with Oni demon motif. 1060+1095 carbon steel, folded and clay tempred, Kobuse kitae construction. HRC: 60/45.
White Tachi Samurai Sword by YNH. Beautiuful old Japanese sword used by a mounted samurais. 1060 carbon steel blade, aoi-gata tsuba, luxury scabbard.
Odachi Samurai Sword. Large samurai sword. Hand made sword, carbon steel blade, 68 inches. Functional, battle ready sword.
Walking Dead Katana Sword limited edition with a Wall Mount and poster. Licensed WD sword of Michonne, 40.5 inches, leather wrapped handle, scabbard.
Summer Lotus Katana by Dragon King SD35200. Hanwei product. 5160 Through-Tempered Forged Carbon Steel Blade. Summer Lotus water garden motif.
Spring Sakura Katana by Dragon King D35190. 5160 Through-Tempered High-Carbon Forged Steel Blade. Japanese sakura motif.
Autumn Leaf Katana by Dragon King SD35210, Hanwei brand. 5160 Through-Tempered Forged Carbon Steel Blade. Autumn motif.
Ocean Citadel Katana SC4001. Limited edition Japanese samurai sword, 100 pieces worldwide only. Differentially hardened 1075 high carbon steel. Ocean motif. Beautiful saya in a deep midnight blue with a same-gawa or sting ray skin wrap.
Bamboo Citadel Katana SC4003. Limited edition samurai sword-100 pieces worldwide. Bamboo motif. Differentially hardened 1075 high carbon steel. Extremely collectible and capable sword.
Thaitsuki Orasaku Zukuri Honsanamai Katana S05. The newest samurai katana sword from Thaitsuki Forge. Hand forged and folded HonSanmai high carbon steel blade with 1024 layers. Functional battle ready samurai katana sword.
Taka Hawk Katana SkyJiro Forge. The most luxury SkyJiro Forge Japanese samurai katana sword. True tamahagane steel, kobuse blade construction, 10 000+ layers. Japanese sword for collectors.
Ronin Katana SkyJiro Forge. Affordable folded steel shinken sword (razor sharp for cutting). 3200 layers, double imitation hamon. Samurai sword with a Ronin motif.
Musha Katana by SkyJiro Forge TK-1. Razor sharp katana sword (Shinken) for cutting. Affordable samurai katana from SkyJiro. 1070 high carbon steel blade.
Taka Chigai Katana SkyJiro (Crossed Feathers) is a sharp, fully functional Japanese katana sword suitable for tatami cutting. Folded 1070 carbon steel, 3600 layers, real hamon.
Lotus Katana by Citadel SC4002. Fully hand made Japanese samurai sword. Special limited edition 100 swords only. Differentially hardened 1075 high carbon steel., lotus motif.
Hanwei Renshu Maru Katana with Bo-Hi SH2489. Limited edition 300 swords only. 5160 spring steel, bo-hi, affordable samurai katana sword.
Hanwei Renshu Maru Katana SH2487. Limited edition 300 swords only. 5160 spring steel, no bo-hi, affordable samurai katana sword.
Hanwei Renshu Mokko Katana SH2488 with Boi-Hi. Limited edition 300 swords only. 5160 spring steel, shinogi zukuri blade, bo-hi, affordable samurai katana sword.