
Sword Store Info


List of products by manufacturer Arma Epona

Arma Epona is a sword manufacturer located in Czech republic, Europe. AE makes well researched, hand forged and functional swords in Albion swords quality at a friendly price.

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
  • $559 Ships in 14-21 days

    Sword of Bruncvik-legendary Czech (Bohemian) dragonslayer sword. Functional reproduction of medieval hand and a half sword. The sword is made in Czech.

    Ships in 14-21 days
  • $599 Ships in 14-21 days

    Bohemia sword, functional Czech medieval sword with a beautiful scabbard. Coat of arms of Czech kingdom (Kingdom of Bohemia). Sharp hand forged sword.

    Ships in 14-21 days
  • $359 Ships in 14-21 days

    Rex Bohemicus Sword. Royal sword of the Czech kings. One handed medieval sword. Sharp and blunt blade made of carbon steel. Hand forged in Czech.

    Ships in 14-21 days
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items