Tabards and Tunics

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Tabards and Tunics

Tabards and Tunics-Medieval tabards and tunics for sale. Knight, noble and peasant costumes.

Tabards and Tunics There are 6 products.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
  • $169 Ships in 7 - 14 days

    Monk's Robe and Hood. Awesome robe can be used as medieval monk costume, inquisitor costume, celtic druid costume, thug costume or any other fantasy, horror or a medieval costume. Black, brown, maroon and off white colors. Real heavy cotton.

    Ships in 7 - 14 days
  • $109 Ships in 3-7 days

    Musketeer Tabard-medieval musketeer costume. Red velvet musketeer tabard with golden cross and fleur-de-lis.

    Ships in 3-7 days
  • $90 Ships in 3-7 days

    Red War Tabard-medieval warrior costume. Red velvet costume with a golden holy cross.

    Ships in 3-7 days
  • $89 Ships in 3-7 days

    Saxon Tunic-Medieval costume of saxon period in England. Medieval clothes and costumes.

    Ships in 3-7 days
  • $69 Ships in 3-7 days

    medieval Farmers Tunic costume is inspired with traditional early medieval period. Peasant tunic costume.

    Ships in 3-7 days
  • $89 Ships in 3-7 days

    Long Medieval Tunic-medieval costume. 12th to 14th re-enactment tunic.

    Ships in 3-7 days
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items