
Sword Store Info


Military Deals, Discounts and Vouchers

Military Discounts for military swords and weapons. Military deals for Armed forces staff and veterans. Discount swords and sabers for sale. The voucher is valid for Civil War swords and sabers, for current military swords, collectibles, and similar stuff.

Military Voucher Code: MIL10

The voucher grants 10% off the swords, sabres and all other collectible items in category Military swords.

How to use the Military voucher:
1. Simply click the category Military Swords.
2. Add your favourite products to cart.
3. Click cart or checkout button.
4. Put MIL10 into vourcher text field and press OK button.
5. Click express or standarch checkout.

Military Voucher rules and terms:
You must be a member of US Armed Forces or you must be a veteran.
The voucher can be used repeately.

 Military discounts, deals and vouchers for swords and sabers.