Scimitar Swords

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Hanwei Scimitar Sword SH2354


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Hanwei Scimitar Sword SH2354 recalls battles between the Saracen and Crusader. Also known as saif, shamshir, yatagan, kilij or mameluke sword.

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Hanwei Scimitar

The deeply curved blade of the Scimitar recalls battles between the Saracen and Crusader. The hardwood grips and hawksbill pommel are typical of the originals and create the perfect balance that makes this piece essential equipment for Eastern dance practitioners.

Scimitar features

Dull Edge.
Blade length:  31".
Handle length:   4 ½".
Overall length:  38".
Weight:  3lb 2oz.

Specs will vary slightly from piece to piece.

Alternate names for curved blade from South and Western Asia:
Scimitar, Arabic saif, Indian talwar, Persian shamshir, and Turkish kilij and yatagan or Mameluke (Mamluk) sword.

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