YariNoHanzo Katana Swords

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Matsukura Katana

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Matsukura Katana by YNH. Katana of the Matsukura Shigemasa, the infamous Japanese samurai lord of Sengoku/Edo period. High carbon steel blade, suguha hamon, beautiful saya.

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Matsukura Shigemasa Katana

Matsukura Katana sword by YariNoHanzo.

Extremely well balanced blade.

Katana of the infamous japanese samurai lord.

Matsukura Shigemasa (11574-1630) was a Japanese samurai lord in Yamato province. Matsukura was a realitive independend warlord at time of Tokugawa shogunate. Matsukura wasa warded for his archievements in Tokugawa army.

Matsukura faced to a rebellions due his iron fist rule (Shimabara rebellion). Matsukura clan tortured Christians by boiling them alive in the infamous Unzen Volcanic Springs, beginning in 1627. In 1629, Shigemasa approached the Nagasaki Magistrate Takenaka Danjo no Sho Shigeyoshi and offered to do the same for all the Christians in Nagasaki. Takenaka agreed.

Matsukura katana feratures

1060 high carbon steel.
Nagasa:    71 cm. - 73 Cm. with Habaki.
Hamon     "Suguha".
Sori     1,8 Cm.
Tsuka     27 Cm.
Tsuka Ito     High quality black leather Tsukagawa.
Same     Real ray skin Black.
Tsuba     Kakugata.
Bohi     Single.
Saya     76 Cm. laquered wood - Cha Sendan.
Sageo     Kakucho 180 cm - Black - Made in Japan.
Mekugi     Nr. 2 in bamboo.
Weight     1.330 Gr. with Saya - 1.100 Gr. without Saya.

The Katana is sharpened, suitable for Battodo and Tameshigiri.
Good for cutting exercises on paper, natural straw mat (tatami) and the like.
Iaito version available.

Made in Europe. Perfect quality control.

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